Tuesday, August 18, 2009

rain rain go away

The weather here has been so horrid these last two weeks, I can hardly work up the motivation to get out of bed most days. I am proud to say, unlike many of my friends, I have not missed class due to the rain. It is cold and rainy everyday, and I cling to the hour or so of sunshine we have in the afternoon. I've been lectured multiple times by my Australian friends that I should be grateful for the rain because of the great drought that has hit Australia over the last decade. The water table here is rising, causing the farmlands to become saturated with salt. A movement to plant trees is helping, but it is only with a few good hard years of rainy spring will the soil here have a chance to survive. This spring is due to be on of the rainiest ever, and I am not looking forward to that. I keep holding out for days at the beach in the middle of American winter and sending home pictures to my family while they start bundling up in the cold. I have my first exam tomorrow and I am very nervous. I hope it's not as hard as I'm predicting. All you can do is study your hardest, right? At least the rain helps keep me inside and working hard!

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